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Potterheads, man…

By Anonymous - 14/04/2012 02:06 - France

Today, after several years of having her help me out by doing household chores, I bought my fifteen-year-old daughter a new pair of jeans. Her reaction was to squeal, "Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is free!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 823
You deserved it 62 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

..What is that mysterious ticking noise? ..Snape. ..Snape... Severus Snape. ..Harry Potter, Harry Potter! :D


alexamarie11 4
Sexy_Cat_MD 8

I don't get what's the problem. Hahaha I love Harry Potter and it sounded like she said something really funny. Besides she doesn't need new clothes every year unless she's still small and growing. And OP probably just meant that she bought her them as a reward for behaving properly and doing her chores. Ugh people seriously bitch about nothing.

Huh, that's funny. Sounds like you just bitched about a whole lot of nothing.

This ain't no E Harmony! *checks age*. The **** is wrong with you!?

xStaciexLynnx 15

Actually it's a pedophile, not rape.

kylelove 8

Hahahahahahahaha, that is the greatest FML I've EVER read xD

gloria89108 1

After several YEARS of chores you buy her 1 pair of jeans ?? Am I reading this wrong ??

I agree...You finally bought her jeans? I go on shopping sprees practically every weekend she's a teenage girl we live, die, and breathe clothes!

PandaPandamoneum 0

Isn't that dangerous to breathe clothes?? O.O

Not every teenage girl lives for clothes and shopping... I hate shopping. Besides, I think this pair of jeans were a special, expensive pair that she got as a reward.

Not every teenage girl is that shallow. Also, not every teenage girl has the kind of money to use on "shopping sprees".

I know it's been said before but as a teenage girl I would just like to seperate myself from this weird "breathing" clothes thing... When it come to shopping I neither have enough money nor much desire. But! Just went to Brisbane with 100 dollars and was told to spend it all, so I came home with a bag of books. :)

Feartheunknown 4

Your daughter has an amazing sense of humor, this is not an FML it's more like a blessing.. Bahaha

Two things i learnt from this fml 1. Your daughter has a great sense of humour. 2. Buy your daughter more clothes lmao