Potterheads, man…

By Anonymous - 14/04/2012 02:06 - France

Today, after several years of having her help me out by doing household chores, I bought my fifteen-year-old daughter a new pair of jeans. Her reaction was to squeal, "Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is free!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 822
You deserved it 62 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

..What is that mysterious ticking noise? ..Snape. ..Snape... Severus Snape. ..Harry Potter, Harry Potter! :D


kaclms 0

why the heck do you buy your daughter a pair of jeans after YEARS of chores? Are you poor or completely stupid?

Use your brain for a second. Think REALLY hard. Now, don't you think the daughter got multiple small gifts here and there but then got a really big present when the mom no longer needed help? See the wonders a brain can work when it thinks.

BubbleGrunge 18

Unfortunately, 305, your brain must not work either. Unless OP is just plain rude, I doubt she had her daughter work several year for a pair of jeans and realize she no longer needs her. Dishes don't just downsizes as the years go buy, so your comment was quite brainless as well. If you have your child help you with dishes, you don't stop needing them after several years.

358, don't tell me to get MY brain working when you can't keep your sentences the same tense throughout. As for the FML, OP can't have her kids doing chores forever. As a reward, the daughter got a, probably, very expensive and highly wanted pair of jeans.

I don't get how this is an FML. Your daughter seems awesome. I'd be her friend.

Ha! Love it! Cute kid! And this is not an FYL it's the BEST of life!

mycatsarecrazy 5

It took you years to buy her jeans?? Bad parenting :(

That would be me. Strange is my specialty.