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By neverakid - 14/04/2012 01:01 - United States

Today, I surprised my daughter by telling her that I'm going to treat the family to a trip to the Himalayas in a few months. She promptly threw a tantrum and listed her main reasons for not wanting us to go: "It's a freaking desert there," and, "I'll miss the new Spiderman movie." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 077
You deserved it 4 269

Same thing different taste


Just ignore her comments! Once there the culture shock will do her the world of good! U go girl!!

Ummm... the writer of the FML was a boy... and if you were talking about the daughter, why are you "routing" for her when she did nothing?

Yep good point - thought writer was a girl.

Yep. Got that now. Sounded like a female...

Michael_92 20

Just cause im did it seem like a girl to you?

lavitaebella_fml 0

14: I think #1 thought OP was a girl, therefore adding "you go girl!" as some kind of encouragement. 36: Unless you look at the male symbol in the corner, there really is no way of telling whether OP is male or female.

blackheart24 10

Ya but who would want to miss the new spiderman movie?

14 I think you mean rooting. Websters is free on the Internet...

Ehh I don't want to the new spiderman. Even though he has an awesome suit and more details in the story, it's basically the same as the first probably.

Your avatar matches the FML perfectly

52- Superman =/= Spiderman Superman + Batman = Catwoman –Daredevil Daredevil/Flash = The Hulk The Hulk = spiderman + The Big Lebowski Therefore Spiderman + The Big Lebowski= daredevil/flash Spiderman= daredevil*daredevil/ flash - the big Lebowski Two daredevils cannot exist, therefore spiderman isn't real. It's impossible to subtract the big Lebowski without giving Morgan freeman cotton candy. Superman is Morgan freeman, and cotton candy is spiderman. This means that spiderman is given to superman. If superman= spiderman, than superman would be given to himself. You cannot exist in two spots at once, therefore spiderman and superman cannot be the same. * now you know.

52 - To whom are you referring? 2 or 22? 2 . . . is Superman 22 . . . is OP's daughter in her younger tomboy toddler years (with very little hair) when she had her Daddy wrapped around her little finger and her tantrums always scored herself a win.

53 - Please teach my math class. My teacher is awful.

pieceoschmidt 8

52 is just proving Spiderman cannot exist, which was very well executed and creative by the way, bravo *quiet applause*

53 - Morgan Freeman has cotton candy, your argument is invalid.


She's right. Spiderman is pretty important!

It's worth missing though since they changed the characters, in my opinion.

Agreed. Same plot, new movie. Pass on expensive movie tickets and concession prices (which really get me!) :)

Remaking a movie that was made 50 years ago? Might work. Remaking a movie that was made 10 years ago? Umm, yeah, no

I think the new one will suck. Can't wait for the avengers tho.

I just saw the new American Pie, cost me $19.50 AUS I need one of those damn concessions!

raney150 0

It's not a remake, it's a reboot of the series. While I agree that it does seem too soon, it could be good.

It's actually more like the comics made into a movie.

Geography must not be taught in schools anymore.

biglittlehead 12

I am a senior in high school and I never took geography. But at least I know about this subject.

Technically any barren landscape is a desert. So parts of the Himalayas are in fact a desert. All deserts aren't sand. Siberia in Russia is mainly all snow. Still a desert.

2. any area in which few forms of life can exist because of lack of water, permanent frost, or absence of soil. Dictionary app. Next one is also any area devoid of something. So Yeps himalayas are indeed a desert

It is. People are just busy not paying attention in class to know that it is. Which sucks because they forgot about the test tomorrow which was about everything they learned or were SUPPOSED to learn about yesterday.

skyeyez9 24

I thought it was called a frozen tundra?

Tundra is similar. That's the small area with trees and small bushes along with crawling plants and small animals such as hares and foxes as opposed to larger less adapted animals and plants. Really it's a tundra in certain areas. Desert in others. And the rest is just mountains snow and tourists. I've never been there but I can't imagine too many towns being there lol

Usually one doesn't learn world geography unless one takes a course specifically for that.

Damn_Hippster 11

Dammit OP, it's freaking spiderman! You only think about yourself.

Damn_Hippster 11

51- my profile pic just got mainstream, now I have to change it...thanks

**** you 7, Op please take me please I will be your daughter for the trip. :D

Your daughter sounds like a real spoiled ****

Your porfile picture mathces your comment so well...

Beebow_fml 5

White shirt, jacket, glasses, and a hat. How is that spoiled?

46: 43 was saying that the expression matched the tone of 8's comment, not that 8 is spoiled.

Spoiled? Why would she be spoiled? In all honesty, I wouldn't want to cancel all my plans for a trip to the Himalayas either, and no, I'm not spoiled. The most exotic country I've been with my parents is England, ten years ago, for a trip to London of two days. I would love to play the tourist in Egypt, Turkey, Ireland, France, Greece, Italy, Schotland, China, Africa... but the Himalayas? Naaah.

Have you seen the Himalayas? ******* amazing.

MissHayleyJames 7

I have to say, I have 0 interest in ever going to the Himalayas either. Now, say you're taking us to the Bahamas and I'll be packed in the car ready to go in 10 minutes. Just different preferences.

"Have you seen the Himalayas? ******* amazing." I'm sure it is, but if I'm ever going on a trip, it's merely for the history and the art of that country. Nature is a surplus. Therefore I don't think a trip to the Himalayas would be something for me - or at least not now.

'Schotland' that's a new one. Scotland?

At least she has her own priorities straight

stevenJB 25

She's right. Stay at home and instead of her going to the movies just get her like a private geography tutor.

She don't need no stinkin' tutors. All she needs is to look at a globe… or a MAP.

If she is going to be ungrateful and doesn't even want to give it try then don't let her come with the family. Her bad attitude willjust put a damper on everyone else's vacation...and maybe when she hears how much fun everyone else had maybe she won't be so quick to throw a fit next time

twifan1901 0

Even if he does do that which I doubt he will. She's a teenager she will find a fault in all every singles fun thing they do.