
By Dafawk - 19/06/2016 20:54

Today, I took my two-year-old out to dinner. During dinner, our son went to the bathroom three times. As we were getting ready to leave he kept saying he had to go potty. He had gone multiple times, so I thought he would be fine. As he stood up, a giant turd fell on the floor in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 301
You deserved it 6 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's telling you he has to go, you should listen to him even if he doesn't actually have to go. He's learning still and you've only just gotten him out of nappies.


wait, I don't understand - was he not wearing a diaper or anything? How could it fall on the floor?

Usually you don't put a diaper on kids who are potty trained.

It sounds like your child was still a bit to young to be going out to restaurants then. No offense OP but if your child is too young to cause big disturbances like that maybe you should've hired a sitter.

You're ridiculous! He wasn't causing a disturbance, he had to go potty and OP ignored him thinking he didn't actually have to go. He's learning, that's what toddlers do. It's not like he was flinging his poo. Kids need to eat and you can't keep them at home all the time. :/

Her child is 2, that isn't too young, and not everyone can get a sitter. Babies and toddlers are going to be in the outside world, deal with it, they're people too. What do you want new parents to do, just keep their child isolated inside their home, that sounds healthy. Bringing them to these places is how you socialize them so they understand how to live in the world. If you never expose them to these environments when they're young, they won't learn proper etiquette. Not to mention, sometimes people want a nice family dinner out, and their kid is a part of their family.

tantanpanda 26

Do any of you even work in the hospitality industry? While there isn't an age limit for most restaurants, when you bring your child and they're running around screaming or crying, you're ruining other people's experience at said establishment. I can't tell you how many times parents have brought their little children and just "let them cry it out" because "they'll stop eventually". Those little gremlins also throw food under the table IN LARGE AMOUNTS, dust the table with the salt shakers, rip the straw paper into tiny pieces, etc. Control your damn kids. If it's crying, take it outside in the meantime. If you can't do this, take out or something. It's not like you're socializing with other tables. Sorry, but nobody wants to meet your demon children.

Yes, I have worked in the hospitality industry. I agree that you shouldn't let your kids go crazy, if they're crying, take them somewhere else, and don't allow them to makes a mess. But this little kid wasn't, he just wanted to go potty and he got denied, this is the mom's fault. You might not be socializing with other tables, but children still need to experience this environment to LEARN how to act in it. That means, understanding how their behaviour disturbs people around them, knowing making a mess is wrong, you need to expose them to this or they won't understand, people, especially children, learn best by doing. It would be like throwing a 16yr old with no driving experience behind the wheel of a car and just saying, "now you better know what to do." Also, being in the hospitality industry, I generally know the rules. If the kid is being that bad of a hellion, you are allowed to tell the parents that their behaviour is unacceptable and to get it under control, or they can be escorted out, I've done it many times.

Yeah, #28, I've worked in hospitality as well. There's a huge ******* difference between a child being a terror and a child having an accident. I've kicked people out of restaurants and stores for letting their kids run wild to the point of putting themselves and others in danger. This kid wasn't. He specifically told his parents he had to go to the bathroom and was ignored because he had requested to go a few too many times. That's on the parents, but that doesn't mean they should have to hide him away like some dungeon troll! Bathroom accidents can generally be avoided as long as someone is paying attention.

Dude, you're toilet training. Take them every time they say they have to go. I'm toilet training my 2yo at the moment. I took her to the bathroom about 10 times at dinner tonight (at a restaurant) even though she didn't need to go every time. Better than wetting/popping her pants.

I wonder how many people the restaurant manager had to talk down/calm down and what all it might have cost them. I know that I'd be pretty pissed at OP if I'd been in the restaurant. Mostly because of the decision to, essentially, be lazy meaning that literal shit happened in the middle of a restaurant floor. Seriously- it's common sense that if a kid tells you they need to go, you take them, even if they've been to the bathroom a hundred times.

He's two, if he says has to go potty, you take him whether he actually needs to or not. That's the best way to potty train them.

Regardless of how many times they've gone over the course of dinner, you should never risk not taking a kid to the bathroom if they ask you to. YDI

Put yourself in their shoes they are just learning their body signals, we've all had a moment where your stomach is rumbling but you're not ready to go yet. This is probably how your 2 year old felt. Next time be safe and not sorry

Fy kids life. Poor kid pooped his pants because mommy/daddy decided they'd gone to the bathroom enough.

I sure hope you didn't get mad at him for your mistake.