Quack quack quack

By Saddoc - 26/07/2013 07:58 - Australia - Dalkeith

Today, I attended an elderly patient's funeral. He died of a heart attack after his daughter, as his carer, stopped all of his meds in favour of a half-cup of garlic a day. Apparently she'd "read an article" about the healing power of garlic, which trumped my 6-year degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 340
You deserved it 2 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel terrible for the elderly man. I couldn't imagine eating a half-cup of garlic a day. That in itself is torture.

Does Australia have anything on criminally negligent homicide?


skyeyez9 24

That is awful! I am currently reading a book that a discovery of "cold therapy" can help heart attack patients beat the odds and survive. Layman's terms: Reducing their body temp helps prevent brain damage. But it must be done within minutes after their heart stops.

monnanon 13

wasnt that on scrubs? ive seen it on some hospital show anyway. its a really interesting technique.

TheDrifter 23

It skews brain damage, but inducing hypothermia can be fatal if they have other medical concerns.

skyeyez9 24

A book by Dr Sanjay Gupta called "cheating death." Explains it better than I can summarize on FML.

I am a physician. After resuscitating a patient from cardiac arrest, the main detriment is hypoxic brain injury. Inducing hypothermia can reduce the amount of brain damage significantly and is standard of care for these patients. You have a window of a couple of hours to start it. The patient is cooled for 24 hours.

KaitlynNeal 13

How do they know she was committing murder? Or is she really just that stupid?

captainmpg 9
ILoveMyArm 15

Although what the daughter did was extremely stupid, I can't help but feel bad for her.

fooltemptress 36

Please tell me someone is going to press charges against this woman for what she did ...

Someone? This sounds more like a criminal court case rather than a lawsuit. The prosecutors could take care of this, not just "someone".

riddlez19 7

People will believe anything if they are desperate enough and will ignore reason

This seriously sounds so wrong. This has to be neglect at least. The daughter needs to be reported I reckon, have the police investigate her. Hell if I googled the right stuff I could probs find the healing powers of eating old dirty socks, seriously what was this woman thinking trusting something on the internet.

I have to wonder how old the elderly man was? Maybe the medications were causing such ill side effects that the daughter tried to seek alternative ways to attempt to keep his health? Not that I feel she should have over ruled the doctor's advice and not have consulted him first, but wonder why she chose to do something different?

There are those who believe in anything. Ex: my mother buys this miracle medicine in Mexico that some church sells her because she is convinced it cures cancer... my mom doesn't have or ever has had cancer -_-

monnanon 13

ah you see that proves it works. just like in the simpsons when lisas rock keeps away tigers :p