Quack quack quack

By Saddoc - 26/07/2013 07:58 - Australia - Dalkeith

Today, I attended an elderly patient's funeral. He died of a heart attack after his daughter, as his carer, stopped all of his meds in favour of a half-cup of garlic a day. Apparently she'd "read an article" about the healing power of garlic, which trumped my 6-year degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 340
You deserved it 2 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel terrible for the elderly man. I couldn't imagine eating a half-cup of garlic a day. That in itself is torture.

Does Australia have anything on criminally negligent homicide?


The patient had a heart attack, caused from clogged arteries. Excessive plack(spelling) buildup& possible high cholesterol. If the doc had just cleaned the the buildups & lowered the patients cholesterol, the daughter might not have gone down that path. But, a dialysis treatment would have helped tremendously. Problem is, most Dr.'s have to adhere to the standard play book. The daughter screwed up bad & the Dr. could only do what they know. Everyone lost that battle

Elfkid21 19

the stupidity of some people is effing depressing!!! even more so when it effects someone's condition of living.

Sounds like murder... Life insurance policy denied...

Sorry but how does this not count as murder? At the very least manslaughter, stupidity is not an excuse.

She could probably be charged with murder

Just goes to to show what a mistake it s for some people to breed...

1known_fml 8

That person was old. Maybe it was only time for him/her to die. Don't think that one medicine or another will have changed something.

Funnyguyproblems 1

I don't see why it's fml. His daughter is a ******* moron and should go to he'll for her stupidity.

that would have been manslaughter over here

emilyclocke 1

I don't know about Australia law, but in Canada that's voluntary manslaughter. Maybe even second degree murder. I'd turn her in to the cops.