Quack quack quack

By Saddoc - 26/07/2013 07:58 - Australia - Dalkeith

Today, I attended an elderly patient's funeral. He died of a heart attack after his daughter, as his carer, stopped all of his meds in favour of a half-cup of garlic a day. Apparently she'd "read an article" about the healing power of garlic, which trumped my 6-year degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 340
You deserved it 2 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel terrible for the elderly man. I couldn't imagine eating a half-cup of garlic a day. That in itself is torture.

Does Australia have anything on criminally negligent homicide?


and the daughter of the year award goes to...

MrBoredomioo 18

My sister, she literally tried to get my mom arrested. After that failed, she tried to get me in jail. It almost worked

Garlic is amazing for you, but on top of the meds... People build dependencies on them.

um what? no one builds dependencies on garlic, and it is in no way a substitute for actual medicine.

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's okay to be dependant on a drug if you are taking it to stay alive...

stewpididiot 11

Is 'carer' a word?? Spellcheck didn't seem to think so...

It is. Unfortunately, spellcheck doesn't tell you that you are lacking some necessary common "since".

I think the proper term is "care giver".

Carer is a word. Remember that correct English does vary by country.

According to wiki: A caregiver,(U.S., Canadian and Chinese usage) or carer (UK, NZ, Australian usage) is an unpaid relative or friend of a disabled individual who helps that individual with his or her activities of daily living.

hooligyn123 18

oh come on guys. I mean really, look at #14's username it should explain everything.

Pstraka6 20

And she probably will blame you for your lack of aid when in reality she was the most detrimental part in his remaining time here. You can do so much and the fact that you attended his funeral is commendable as well. Continue your good work!

the road to hell is paved with good intentions . her heart may have been in the right place, wanting to help her dad, but in the end he succumbed to his illness. there is only so much exposure to seeing a loved one in pain that a human can take. she may have become disillusioned & thought the garlic would work quicker... i respect your accreditations & with your knowledge, would've had his absolute best interests & welfare at heart, but there comes a time when medical jargon & practitioners become too much & both parties no longer wish to prolong any suffering. and if the patient is lucid and can decide that they want to go peacefully & comfortably, as his deathbed wish his daughter wouldn't have had a choice but to obey his wishes. we ultimately cannot say what was discussed behind closed doors, but we can be sure that wherever he is now he's not in any pain & is not suffering. i'm deeply & genuinely sorrowed for your (& the familys') loss. wishing them all strength in their time of sadness.

Who believes "home remedies" work faster than medicine? And why would you risk your grandfather's life for a hypothesis? I'm sorry, but the scientific method exists for a reason. FYL OP don't beat yourself up

Pstraka6 20
monnanon 13

some "home remedies" do help. honey has worked better for me that any cough syrup but it will not kill off a throat infection. home remedies are more of a compliment to the meds rather than being a cure of anything.

Most home remedies work based off one of the following concepts: a) They have ingredients that simply strengthen the immune system, which then gets mistaken as helping against an illness. (They technically do help, however this only works indirectly and the same effect can be achieved by everything that helps the immune system.) b) They are used to combat the symptoms because they have a certain trick to them that indeed does help. [Examples include sugar-salt-water for digestive problems, honey for throat pains, yadda yadda.] c) Every single one makes use of the placebo effect, possibly in addition to other stuff.

monnanon 13

the effect honey has on a sore throat is not a placebo niether is ginger on the digestive tract. honey is sterile and can be put on wounds like a poultice. it wont be any match to antibiotics but their effects are sorely underrated.

#31 you sir are an ass. i never said anything about one being better than the other. it's been documented over centuries about herbal and natural home-made remedies. the chinese, the russians, the english are all prime examples. i'm not saying that western medicine; antibiotics, vaccines etc are bad, they have their place and purpose. personally i try the more natural approach before i go to the drs to pop a pill or get drugged up to the eyeballs with medications. and for me, 9/10 they work! & i'm not saying that its the same for everybody else either. it's now well documented that we are developing a tolerance for medications, & the bugs are mutating and developing immunity as well. now im not going to go blowing my time and money on snake oil salesmen that come to town, but i hve home remedy books passed down thru generations from when the settlers came to australia and i always turn to those tombs first. and as for you ( & others) saying they're all quacks & its nothing but a placebo, maybe if you had the correct information, and someone who knew how to make the correct items that you need, you would be pleasantly surprised.

#57 lemon.with honey in black tea, salt with warm.water gargled twice daily, and a tbsp of apple cider vinegar ingested once daily. capilano or beechworth honey will do, but the best is manuka honey it also depends if its an infection with bacteria or a virus, the latter unfortunately just has to run its course. not even western medicine can treat that. i also had psoriasis as a teen on 90% of body. western med 5 yrs, no change, made it worse. 2wks apple cider vinegar, gone, no sign for 10yrs.

And let me guess: It's now not the garlic that is to blame but rather the previous "poisoning" with all the chemical and unnatural medication, right?

not at all. western meds hve their time and place. but instead of becoming a pill popping, drug injecting society, a holistic approach can be just as beneficial & not as harsh on the body.

Maybe she couldn't afford the medicine anymore and had to resort to the home remedies. I'm going to give the daughter the benefit of the doubt. But honestly if she's stupid enough to do it just cause of a stupid article she read online, she should be charged of man slaughter.

Australia has a pharmaceutical benefit scheme in which the government pays for some of the medications once someone has met the safety net. Most elderlies have that here, so I'd just say the daughter is an idiot.

Can't she basically be called a murderer? I've heard that you can :/ but I don't know.