Quality family time

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I attended my extended family's Christmas dinner. All throughout, my grandmother kept complaining about how the food tasted like crap, and making sexual remarks such as how "the stuffings were far better in my day, if you know what I mean." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 965
You deserved it 3 081

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Sex. Cocks. Stuffing her pussy. Good old-fashioned *******. Rodgering passionately. Shagging. Intercourse. Possibly buttsex, if she was into that. Screwing. Pushing the box. Knowing each other in the Biblical fashion. In and out. Banging, boinking, bumping uglies. Smiting evil. Hanky panky. Pokey-poke. Makin' whoopee. Knocking boots. The nasty. Romp in the hay. Nookie. Making the beast with two backs. Am I making myself clear?

sugarandspice33 0

Old people are always complaining...and that's because in "her day" she actually had teeth.


IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

Even old people still want sex. Get over it.(: -And no I did not say visualize it!

Jewnut 0

My grandma does it too.. Usually awesome grandmas don't say stuff like that. Its actually the rather irritating ones who do.

atorresjr 3

It's ok she ain't gonna live that much longer.

Ash0 6

The elderly say the darndest things. Bless their senile old souls.

daydreamer244 13
sacredeye73 11

My aunt used to say things like that during her early stages of dementia. Some of the stuff that came out of her mouth would make a sailor blush.

Is everyone so uptight these days that when they are in these situations that can't see the lulz? Face if grandma wasn't ******* you wouldn't be here.

That last sentence was just terribly written.

NBZ_fml 3

Don't worry she'll probably be in bed by 4

KiddNYC1O 20

She wants to get it in. What a G.