Quality family time

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I attended my extended family's Christmas dinner. All throughout, my grandmother kept complaining about how the food tasted like crap, and making sexual remarks such as how "the stuffings were far better in my day, if you know what I mean." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 965
You deserved it 3 081

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Sex. Cocks. Stuffing her pussy. Good old-fashioned *******. Rodgering passionately. Shagging. Intercourse. Possibly buttsex, if she was into that. Screwing. Pushing the box. Knowing each other in the Biblical fashion. In and out. Banging, boinking, bumping uglies. Smiting evil. Hanky panky. Pokey-poke. Makin' whoopee. Knocking boots. The nasty. Romp in the hay. Nookie. Making the beast with two backs. Am I making myself clear?

sugarandspice33 0

Old people are always complaining...and that's because in "her day" she actually had teeth.


MissMcFly 6

she sounds hilarious, but if it were my grandma I think it'd be awkward too lol

Hmmm.....so now even old people think like that? We need to step up our game dirty minds ;)

I just think he's funny if you know what I mean.

purrantula 3

I live in Coventry too! It's a shithole. Anyone thinking of going to Coventry, don't. It really is a dive.

skeezle 0

Old people....can't live with em...that's it, just can't live with em.

Haugkatie27 2

Today, I spent my whole day waiting in the city to meet up with someone. I called them after being there like 3 hours or more when they said they'd changed their plans. No new phone. FML

winterforever97 30

Sadly, I do get what she was saying.. Ewwww