Question Time

By embarrassed - 03/01/2010 06:53 - United Kingdom

Today, whilst at my boyfriend's family get together, his cousin got really drunk and decided to ask my boyfriend when he was planning on proposing to me, loud enough for everyone to hear. An awkward silence was followed by my boyfriend's mother, who clearly said, "Hopefully never." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 488
You deserved it 2 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

arabianballa 0

Well atleast you're saved from a monster in law :).


haha that sucks. Meanwhile my parents cannot wait for my older brother to get married so they can have grandkids...

jamjenni2774 0

Maby She was drunk too!! what a bitch though to say that in front of everyone! get her alone

If a relationship is going to fail, it is ALWAYS better for it to fail FAST. Your expectations are now set.

FYL, for sure. My future MIL freakin' loves me almost more than her son.

cheerinpink 6

Mine too- she's even paying my college tuition. Except... Our of nowhere she called me controlling? Not sure what to make of that.

tAlk_NERdy_tO_ME 0

If he didn't defend you, leave him now!

That's when you say, "Boy, you got THAT right!" laugh long and loud, then leave.

Wow, that's like the story of my life. But heyy don't let it get you down! I'm still with my bf and he's still with me, dispite his moms hatred toward me.

#1 well written :) ...don't worry, there are millions of guys waitin' for you outthere!