Rainy day

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - New Zealand

Today, I slipped and fell in mud while running from the car to inside to avoid getting wet in a torrential downpour. I was running from the limo, in my wedding dress, to the church for my wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 010
You deserved it 7 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GtheGringo 3

haha sorta like bridesmaids, except its mud not shit


I'm SO sorry for you! have you tried stain remover? I hope your wedding went well anyway though! congratulations and I hope you have an incredible life with him!

elizabeth9m 4

that totally suckss -__- your wedding dress all ruined ): be more careful next timee ?

nickmeier1 4

well I'm sorry! congrats and i wish the best for you and you're husband!

djnj13 0

I'm sorry! Bless your heart! :(

pandanda 3

What I don't get is why you didn't change at the church? isn't that what most people do...change at the venue so nothing like this happens?

Cupcake_Grenade 4

oh that sucks im so sorry!! @#151, NO that is not what people usually do, churches arent back stage dressing rooms. you get ready at your house n take the limo there, chances are they had it planned so she arrived in time to walk down the isle as alot of people do so she isnt standing around all day in a hot ass dress in a crappy church. plus who gets NAKED in a CHURCH, pretty disrespectful if you ask me

iceijs 0

They say if it rains on your wedding day you'll have many kids. Sorry about your fall but congrats on the marriage :)

cimh 9

It Italian is a saying "sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata" which means pretty much that when the bride get's wet, she is a lucky one!

SimoneDymond 3
MwahFMLS 6

make the best out of it, laugh! :) congratulations. you'll look back and laugh one day.

mmkay33 2

rain on your wedding day brings good luck :)