By Anonymous - 01/02/2013 23:31 - Brazil

Today, I was on the treadmill at the gym, when I felt my pants start slipping. I tried to pull them up, but lost my balance and fell face-first onto the floor. When I go to my wedding tomorrow, half the guests will probably think I've exchanged my fiancé for Chris Brown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 462
You deserved it 4 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rihanna! No seriously that sucks I would try ice pack and bandages. Or if your into old style try a steak I've heard they work wonders:)

perdix 29

And God only knows what happened to you when you were unconscious, face down on the floor with your pants around your ankles.


Rihanna! No seriously that sucks I would try ice pack and bandages. Or if your into old style try a steak I've heard they work wonders:)

oj101 33

Or photoshop. OP can look wonderful in the wedding photos.

Ow that has happens to me before but not on my wedding day

ThirstyGrunt 6

No really? maybe thats why its on FML. What do you think?

Hey hey, don't get too frustrated. He can comment whatever he wants, whether it buries him or not (:

oj101 33

At least they'll have something to talk and laugh about in the reception after the wedding. What a *total Icebreaker*.

perdix 29

And God only knows what happened to you when you were unconscious, face down on the floor with your pants around your ankles.

What happens at the gym, stays at the gym..

oj101 33

Whilst I get your reference, it's most likely (and I hope) that several mortified onlookers rushed to help her, and took good care of her by offering an ice pack/cold flannel and a drink.

TheDrifter 23

I hope your husband to be has a sense of humor, he's going to be getting dirty looks for the next few weeks.

oj101 33

She's going to need at least 5 tubes of that stuff by the sound of it.

An ice pack and foundation should do the job.

Well, at least the working out is paying off. You should get some tighter pants..

oj101 33

Or wear leggings/yoga pants. I wear leggings too (under shorts so i don't reveal too much) despite the outdated, rather victorian notion that they're only for for females.

Guys on my cross country and track team wear leggings. I think it makes guy look athletic.

oj101 33

#33 - Yes, I agree. A lot of guys here in Australia wear leggings for sports. However, "meggings" are now a trend in the US and UK. Apparently, it's the next big thing for guys.

For Christ's sake, 46! Don't ever tell the blokes that they're wearing "leggings." They'll kill you. Then again, lots of them are waxing their legs, so they need to get over the "feminine" phobia.

insertnameherr 11

I'm sure you can get your shiner covered up at the place you get your hair done tomorrow. Serious bad luck, but congrats on getting married!