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By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Newcastle

Today, it's my 7-year anniversary with my boyfriend. I was excited so I asked him what day it was and he said, "Wednesday?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 690
You deserved it 2 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some of the best surprises I've ever pulled off involved pretending to be oblivious. Hope this was the case in your situation. But maybe I'm just an optimist.

would have been funnier if he said hump day lol


would have been funnier if he said hump day lol

OP, sounds like he has just been so happy with you he lost track of time and forgot about it. ;)

excited for Wednesday?? yayyyy Wednesday

WJM505 14

well, looks like he's not gonna hump today.

Some of the best surprises I've ever pulled off involved pretending to be oblivious. Hope this was the case in your situation. But maybe I'm just an optimist.

I never expect men to remember these things, lol. I myself am bad with dates, anniversaries, birthdays.

Yeah it's not just men, I still have to ask my husband when exactly our anniversary is. Luckily we have a rug in the lounge with the date on, but I suppose people don't get things like that for dating anniversaries!

I had my anniversary date engraved into the inside of my wedding band.

Srry I accidentally downvoted you it won't let me change it

Me and my partner have been together six years and neither of us remember the day of the day we met/first date/etc anymore. Just the month. lol. Doesn't mean he doesn't love you OP, just might be bad with dates or just they're not important to him but the time you spend together is. (:

Surely, you didn't expect asking what day it was would spark his memory? Us guys have difficulty with this, give us something to grease the cogs... "So, do you know what today's date marks?" Or, "Isn't it somebodies anniversary today?" Would work nicely. Gotta be blunt with a lot of dudes.

Anyone who's been in a relationship that long should know these things. ESPECIALLY if they know this type of thing is important to their significant other.

That's so not true I can't remember a lot of things and it's not on account I don't try cause I do

If it's important to your partner, yes. writing down dates is not hard, folks. conversely, if something like that is important to you, make sure you let your partner know in advance so they don't wind up in double jeopardy for a)forgetting the special thing and b) not understanding how special it was in the first place.

My husband is horrible with remembering dates such as these, but ask him example: which team played in the 1995 Super Bowl and what the final score was and he's got it down to a T.

Better than 18 years with your husband and father of your 3 kids. Just saying

I can hardly remember a handful of birthdays without checking the calendar... I can't comprehend keeping track anniversaries.

I also can't remember our exact anniversary or our bangiversary. Have it in my calender though and get a popup on my mobile a day before.

The date of the first time you had sex with each other :)

I've never heard of such a thing...