By alex - 24/02/2012 21:35 - United States
Same thing different taste
Great idea
By dumbbb - 27/12/2011 08:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/06/2024 06:00 - United States - Macon
By Burned - 11/06/2024 16:00 - United States
By stupidity - 25/05/2012 19:30 - Switzerland - Geneva
By LilyL - 06/06/2010 21:53 - United States
By Physics fail. - 11/11/2009 19:09 - United States
Cool moves
By Gale - 13/01/2009 15:01 - United States
Take your time
By Kitty - 08/08/2021 09:59 - United States - Johnston
By ouch - 05/10/2015 19:20 - United States - Stockton
Top comments
Next time, experiment outside, so you won't wreck the house.
10 - No one said it was inside, if I'm correct. OP could've damaged the kitchen window from outside.
Wonder how he would explain what happened to the dentist...
Or do it inside the kitchen
*theme song* Bill Nye the science guy!
Nothing wrong with Bill nye the Science Guy bill b-bill bill bill nye the science guy bill bill bill bill bill nye the science guy!!!
It was the rocket.. OF SCIENCE. :)
Must of been one hell of a reaction!
22 of*
I don't think the force produced from the reaction would be enough to propel something upward. I'm curious as to how OP managed to build this rocket...
You have clearly never made one of these rockets have you? They're powerful...
To the people asking how to get enough force with it. For science last year our chem teacher wanted to demostrate a certain reaction so we pulled out this trick and he got me to do it. If you shake it enough then smash the top end into the ground away from you it can get some serious air, went about 40 feet up. Anyway, I didn't want to do it really cause like OP if something goes wrong it hurts, a lot. Deal was, his wife got one coke and a diet coke not realizing the normal coke wouldn't work as well, so I'd get the 2L bottle of Coke after. Soooo yeah, I have a serious pop addiction I need to sort out.
You should put dry ice in a mountain dew bottle shake it a little then throw it as quickly and as far away as possible, just don't tell anyone you heard this from me and don't try this at home kiddies, it's dangerous and blah blah responsibility blah blah common sense blah.
Ms. GoW, I sense you were a mischievous menace when you were a kid. Wish I could have known you back then. Would've been good times. Good times.
You are going to be an awesome. I'll be happy for whom ever you marry. And also be worried for them. Btw, your awesome, and bye.
. Cut a grape in half and put in the microwave with the two cut halves facing each other.... Heard that worked but none shall do this with out a trained person around. Safety first. Maybe the fire department?
Cheaper and better results; get a 2 liter, the works (toilet cleaner), and tin foil. The works in the 2 liter, tin foil in the 2 liter, run. Far more dangerous and apparently sets off car alarms
OP, I think your career as a rocket scientist will come to an end very soon if you don't learn to get out of the trajectory path of your projectile weaponry.
Why would you do this near windows? Just begging for a catastrophe
OP here is what you need to make a successful rocket. -Soda -Soda bottle -Mintos -A grapple -A shamwow -And some sort of squeezing device. The soda and mintos for obvious reasons but here is where it get's complicated. You make it so the shamwow is attached to the grapple, which is attached to the bottle. The grapples would then bring the soda that is shot out from the soda, soak it up with, and bring it back to and the squeezing device squeezes it back into the soda to keep the cycle going. Warning: Has been banned in 32 different countries. NASA uses this techniques for it's rockets. I can get sued just for telling you this OP! Don't tell anyone else.

*theme song* Bill Nye the science guy!
I did that once. Except i didnt stick my face right in the way of the rocket