Regular boozehound

By Matchtopia - 18/01/2012 00:21 - United States

Today, I was addressed by name by the liquor store clerk. I've never told him my name. He's just seen my ID many times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 268
You deserved it 30 226

Same thing different taste


I think your fml should really be that you go there enough to be known .

All he needs to do is see it once or twice if he has a good enough memory. "many times" is relative.

Hopefully if he remembers you enough, he'll let you open a tab.

BlueHue 0

The clerk probably tries to remember names of customers to establish a closer relationships with his/her clients. This would aid repeat business, at least until alcoholism takes over, then they will come back no matter what... The point is that you shouldn't take it personally, he is just being polite. Try addressing him/her by his/her name when you stroll in :)

It's nice when you have your fevorite shop and the clerk knows you

Yea don't take it personally, until he shows up at your door that is!

I feel for ya OP. That's how I realized I was going to McDonald's too often.

Hey, dont lend your ID out like that!!!!!!!!!!!