Regular boozehound

By Matchtopia - 18/01/2012 00:21 - United States

Today, I was addressed by name by the liquor store clerk. I've never told him my name. He's just seen my ID many times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 268
You deserved it 30 226

Same thing different taste


fattylumptard 1

Been there op! No shame in that as long as you aren't drinking it alone! :)

That happened to my friend last week, buuutttt, she just turned 21 and it's also the grocery store right by her house that she's shopped at and bought cigarettes from for like 5 years....

And how does this store still have its tobacco selling license still?

Shopped there, turned 18, started buying cigarettes also? P.S. tobacco licenses are lost after many failed tobacco shops set up by police. An underage person is sent in to attempt to buy cigarettes. If asked the question 'are you over 18?' the decoys cannot lie, by law, and have to say no. That's how.

If you feel you have a problem by going to the liquor store too often, then fix it. But him remembering your name doesn't mean anything. Some people can remember names easily such as myself. I just try to associate a name with someone else that has that same name.

acetheone 8

you deserve it for being a drunken loser. i bet he even knew exactly what you drink.

Best customer lol find a new story then or cut back drinking

Some people are just really good with names or maybe you're an easy person to remember for one reason or another:)