Regular boozehound

By Matchtopia - 18/01/2012 00:21 - United States

Today, I was addressed by name by the liquor store clerk. I've never told him my name. He's just seen my ID many times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 268
You deserved it 30 226

Same thing different taste


154rct 7

And how is your life ****** because of this?

domroybal 0

The same thing happens to me, **** IT!!! They don't even ID me anymore as a matter of fact!

You can't solve all life's problems with a glass of milk can ya

So, why is that a FML-moment? It isn't that weird when you get to know someone, even though they're maybe a tad alcoholic, they get called by their first names right?

Art_Chick84 0

Same situation with me, except the guy works at a bus depot

I'd say it's fair to assume some help is needed.