Regular boozehound

By Matchtopia - 18/01/2012 00:21 - United States

Today, I was addressed by name by the liquor store clerk. I've never told him my name. He's just seen my ID many times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 268
You deserved it 30 226

Same thing different taste


That's called customer service!!! know your customers!!! if you got a problem with that, find another store. The clerk was doing his/her job. If you don't like to be recognized in the ABC store, I suggest to spread your purchases to other stores, get someone else to purchase your liquor for you, or quit drinking...

I'm not sure the OP is creeped out by the clerk; I think the meaning may have been that the OP goes to the liquor store way too often. I agree, though; that's good customer service.

desertdrew 0

This isn't a FML. This is an accomplishment.