Remember those vampire dudes?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the painting I worked on for three weeks was rejected from an art contest because the rules prohibit fan art. It wasn't fan art. They mistook it for Twilight fan art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 252
You deserved it 8 287

Top comments

megs2129 0

Ouch. Of all things fanart to mistake it for, Twilight is probably the worst.

Use less sparkle in your artwork from now on, haha


Oh, you must have drawn a girl and a boy, that is totally copyright enfrignment !

perdix 29

It took me a while to realize that it was "fan art." I thought it was like a f'nart and was heading over to Urban Dictionary to see if it was related to a shart.

Wow that sucks. But the more important question: Team Edward or team Jacob? Seriously tho FYL.

Shadow_Phantom 26

She said the fact that they mistook it for twilight fan art sucked. You think she would actually BE a fan of the series? Common sense; use it.

Team vampire hunter d is the best. Could **** blade up anyday.

AndelleRae 9

Yeah, that's the real important question here! What would you pick - ********** or Necrophilia?

Fritz1130 0


well, it must've been an apple,chess pieces,flower, ribbon, a sparkly dude, an extremely buff dude, or a pathetic girl... Which was it?

Art contests aren't fair anyways. If you don't draw realism, you have no chance of winning. And even then, only people who have been painting since they were in diapers have a chance of winning. 8|

starberries 0

Art contests aren't fair because you have to be GOOD to win?

No, you just have to draw/paint what appeals most to the audience. Art is subjective, not objective; just like science.

YDI for trying to win an art contest without using blood, urine, or a picture of Obama.

dspadres 0

You weren't going to win anyway.

It means you wouldn't have won this competition anyway.