Remember those vampire dudes?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the painting I worked on for three weeks was rejected from an art contest because the rules prohibit fan art. It wasn't fan art. They mistook it for Twilight fan art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 252
You deserved it 8 287

Top comments

megs2129 0

Ouch. Of all things fanart to mistake it for, Twilight is probably the worst.

Use less sparkle in your artwork from now on, haha


Ouch. They fail or assuming it was Twilight fanart. Way to be quick to judge, those people. Tell them off.

Or maybe they were trying to tell you that you suck with out coming right out and saying it?

budd28 0

that sucks ... get it Edward he's a vampire who sucks blood it an FML because they rejected it, or is it an FML because they thought it was Twilight fan art? If it had been some other series (like that stupidly overrated Harry Potter), would it have been okay? What did you paint anyway, an apple/flower/ribbon/chess piece canvas?

watermelon4 24

You seem to know your books and their covers, highfive!

How do you not deserve this? Stop drawing garbage that looks like twilight crap..?

Your painting was that bad?! Burn it.

I would take your twilight fan art and smash it to their heads