Remember those vampire dudes?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the painting I worked on for three weeks was rejected from an art contest because the rules prohibit fan art. It wasn't fan art. They mistook it for Twilight fan art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 252
You deserved it 8 287

Top comments

megs2129 0

Ouch. Of all things fanart to mistake it for, Twilight is probably the worst.

Use less sparkle in your artwork from now on, haha


Lol. Gayass & wanker? How very original. I was merely stating my opinion, & I'm sorry, if that seems to 'offend' people, but at the end of the day? It's my opinon, and you can do **** all about it. No need for the name calling, which seems to make you feel superiour and stand above me. & tell, me, why do you hate it so much? I agree that the hordes of Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson fans have overshadowed most of the real story, but seriously? IN MY OPINON, it was a well written book, and Stephanie deserves full credits. I can think of much worse things for a painting to be mistaken for.

NitemareB4Xmasx3 0

Hahah dude adults aren't even supposed to know wtf twilight is. and my mom read the book, ultimate failure lolll. what is it with adults and twilight?

I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet: Sums up Twilight.

Lol, that was actually quite funny. xD Again though, someone else's opinion of it, and once again, the fangirls have ruined it for everyone. x_x

PinkFloyd1977 0

Your also right, The Jonas Brothers would be SO amazing without fan girls. (Thats sarcasm) =)

SpaceAstronaut 0

Wow. Mistaken for a Twilight fan AND you were disqualified. I'm so sorry.

ask her if she saw a white vampire with sparkles on his cheek, if she says no, then beat the living shit out of her.

If you're painting anything that remotely resembles Twilight fan art... Even if it wasn't intentional... You Should Really Go See A Psychiatrist.

i would just lk to point out to all of u who r defending twighlight. the story doesnt appeal to me or many others, but even twighlight fans must admit that the resulting image of a vampire throughly destroyed the images of vampires that have been shown by writers like bram stoker. vampires have never before been depicted as sparkly strippers. OP: FYL

Zim4 0

lol, best fml yet. I feel sorry for u. fyl

wow you all need to get a life..... or start reading Steven King. ha ha P.S. make your art more original. duh. honestly it's not that hard.