Remember those vampire dudes?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the painting I worked on for three weeks was rejected from an art contest because the rules prohibit fan art. It wasn't fan art. They mistook it for Twilight fan art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 252
You deserved it 8 287

Top comments

megs2129 0

Ouch. Of all things fanart to mistake it for, Twilight is probably the worst.

Use less sparkle in your artwork from now on, haha


o.O wow that must be harsh. But it makes me kinda curious as to how it looks like xD

at least you told us what it was oh wait, no you didnt

mynameisgrace 0

well, Twilight isn't that bad. i read the whole series, and i was entertained. i agree that Edward is creepy and stalkerish and i really don't like him all that much, at all actually. Jacob is the only actual real seeming person in there, besides the fact that he is a werewolf. everyone else is either a complete mystery or completely overdrawn and exagerated in ways such as personality. i am not particularly a fan of Twilight, but it was an easy read for me. anyway, i would like to know, what did you actually paint the picture of? was it a half naked guy? a sparkly guy? a desperate girl? a dog? i mean, seriously. but, on the other hand, crazy fan people could relate just about anything to twilight. youtube is covered in comments like, "that sing reminds me of Twilight!!" and it's really annoying. they could relate a cat or something completey random to Twilight. everything is Twilight now. it's so overrated. that is why most people are against it now, because people made such a big deal out of it that it's been blown out of proportion.

it is easy to read that is why it should not be considered a part of great literature as the die hard fans claim there's no point behind it, just rubbish meant only for foolish fans who don't understand what GREAT literature is simple words for the simple minded people

AndelleRae 9

Jacob is also technically a pedophile. That kind of adds the the exception of real seeming characters.

@48 being easy to read does not automatically exclude something from being great literature. The Catcher in the Rye, The Old Man and the Sea, As I Lay Dying, these are all examples of books that are pretty damn easy to read, and yet are also great literature.

Kyto7884 0

Team Kellan Lutz! One of the sexiest men alive <3

when i saw this post i thought, "wow this is a true FML moment"

So you submitted Twifart to an art contest?

I think OP drew something black-and-white with a little red.

Gavik 0

YDI for drawing Twilight bullshit then trying to lie about it. You probably finger yourself to 108 year old virgin pedos every night.