
By suspicious - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received a lovely letter from the council telling me I have to cease the act of "breeding and selling cats" because someone from my Facebook reported me. I'm pretty sure I've never owned a cat or had one in my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 581
You deserved it 3 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can report cat breeders on Facebook? Who knew.

Either increase your privacy settings on Facebook, start removing "friends," or just deactivate your account. Social networking sites always seems to screw you over in the end.


arleenxo 11

Ignore it maybe you'll find out who did it eventually.

Kat7595 10

What a 'CATastrophe'. Eh, eh? Sorry, I had too...

You've cat to be kitten me, another cat-pun and I might lose my sanity.

You look purrty sane to me, 19. But I do agree, we need to cat-nip this in the bud, or it will become a cat-astrophe.

Since you are not in the possesion of any cats, they could come and check and you are in the clear. Now comes the fun part, find out who reported you and put a box of feral cats in his/her house...

graceinsheepwear 33

Haven't you heard the saying about herding cats? Where would you get a "box" of them? Feral Cats R Us?

This is yet another reason why social networking sites are no good.

People are bad, and use info from those websides for bad things. I don't mind social networkings sites, I can keep in contact with folks I know but don't see that often.

People "breed" cats?! I thought they were a problem lol

Well, it'll be awfully easy to stop then.

"Council"? Sounds like it's time to leave the cult life behind.

strawberrywine22 30

You realize pretty much every town (in the US at least) has a council, right?

"pretty sure?" Do you own a Nicolas cage mask? The pizza guy knew they were cats. Just remember the council is always watching.

strawberrywine22 30

I'd just ignore it. Someone is purrr-obably just kitten around.