
By naladetet - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Newark

Today, I accidentally called my boss "Mom." Now she is jokingly telling everyone that I'm the long-lost daughter she gave up for adoption, because she knew I'd be a failure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 916
You deserved it 4 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's a pretty great reaction on her part

Lol at least you don't have one of those strict serious bosses


valentinov 15

:)) Your comment rulez man! Ha-ha, ha... :))

trellz17 19

I'm sure she was kidding, but that's kind of harsh.

Haha at least your boss has a sense of humor

funny boss, so much better than a bitch. tell "mom" you need a raise to live better.

Aww it's just like in school with the teacher but worse

That is messed up. Time to give HER up for adoption and find a new job where you are appreciated.

JodogX13 13

Well then shoot she's saying she runs a failure company

Oh, gosh darn, I misspoke and my boss has a sense of humor, FML.