
By naladetet - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Newark

Today, I accidentally called my boss "Mom." Now she is jokingly telling everyone that I'm the long-lost daughter she gave up for adoption, because she knew I'd be a failure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 916
You deserved it 4 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's a pretty great reaction on her part

Lol at least you don't have one of those strict serious bosses


I think almost everyone has done that at least once, don't feel bad! At least your boss is joking around about it and not being weird.(:

Its funny but she isnt being nice. Once I was talking on the phone with my boss, without thinking, before hanging up I said "Ok love you". Oh man she had jokes for months!

Is it food service or retail you work in?

keep calling her mom and ask for promotions

I called one of my teacher's mum and was a male

Once I had to call and place a milk order, I'm the manager of the dairy department. After I finished the order I told her I loved her. She told me she loved me too, said bye and hung up. Now we always say it, shes my milk wife hahaha

τρθε ατ λεαστ σηε ισ ψοολ αβοθτ ιτ ανδ διδντ μακε υοθ λραωε πρ σομετηινγ λολ νιψε ξοβ ?

kltkiara 6

That’s when you say “like mother like daughter 😃”