
By naladetet - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Newark

Today, I accidentally called my boss "Mom." Now she is jokingly telling everyone that I'm the long-lost daughter she gave up for adoption, because she knew I'd be a failure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 916
You deserved it 4 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's a pretty great reaction on her part

Lol at least you don't have one of those strict serious bosses


cmchappy 25
cheesy_wotsit 20

A failure, eh? You learn everything from your "parents". I guess your boss didn't think of it that way...

PSYqualiac 17

"put up for adoption" The boss covered herself with that comment. Try again, mate.

haha, you should go on with calling her mom.

PSYqualiac 17

Tell "mom" that you could use a raise, but you aren't sure how to get your boss to say yes. Ask for her input.

The people who struggle the most, improve the most. Show her what you can do!

Daily_Screwer 11

That's taken a bit too far...hope it doesn't last too long