
By Anonymous - 06/07/2009 22:36 - United States

Today, my coworker came over to my desk and told me that I should protect my Twitter updates, because I had unknowingly made them public. My tweets include drinking stories, all the men I've hooked up with, various cuss words, sexual innuendos, and how much I hate my coworkers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 936
You deserved it 83 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bexox 0

Yeah that's why you don't post shit like that online...

You deserve it for believing you could get away with it. Twitter is a viscious website that people, anyone, can look at. You totally and one hundred percent de-*******-serve it.


I wish your friend had posted your twitter here instead of telling you about it. That would have been a fun train wreck to watch as you badmouth your co-workers while they look on.

YDI for being the definition of a hooker.

JustCallMeCloud 0

I didn't know hookers kept people up to date with Twitter.

Snippy11 0

"This guy I'm with doesn't even realize I'm texting. Plus, he stinks." Who wouldn't follow a hooker on twitter?

jaredjc51 0

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

wow. your stupid. oh, and ydi for being lame enough to use twitter. ugh, i hate that shit.

Regardless of what the OP has done, you have absolutely NO right to call someone stupid. You have apparently never heard of capitalization, and don't seem to know the difference between "your" and "you're". Guess what? You used the wrong one. Stop judging and retake Grade 4 English.

umm what are you talking about? she has the right to call the OP stupid if she wants to!! seriously, does it matter if you capitalize or not?

skullbuster 0

YDI you dumb shit! And, really, there is something inherently wrong with Twitter users to begin with. I mean, you've got people posting tweets when they go to get gas in their car.. does anyone care?

youretoopicky 0

YDI!! Twitter is retarded, but not as much as must think you are the shit for posting things about "the men I've hooked up with" and your "drinking stories". That is telling everyone you are a ****. and now that you have found out that the internet is not are a dumb one.

strawberryswirl 0

Twitter is for twits. You deserve it.

alexgisforme3 0

NICE!!!! lol. thats ****** awesome. people hating are just boring!

I openly discuss how much I hate my coworkers. I tell them straight up, "I hate your guts and hope you get smashed by something today." They just laugh and I laugh about it too. lol.