Richard pictures

By Anonymous - 25/05/2012 18:21 - United States - Hollywood

Today, I joined a local interest website, hoping to make some friends in my area. I don't think I've ever met so many guys before who introduce themselves with pictures of their cocks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 680
You deserved it 5 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments


So is OP saying that the site has a lot of "members"?

unknown_user5566 26

Too bad isanyoneup was taken down. You could've submitted a LOT of embarassing photos.

pavlovaaLOVE 7

Loll yeaa I agree with noor. Who on earth has a convo these days... Pshhht get with the times 22

btstig 11

Did anyone else read 53's comment in Sam's voice?

pumpkin093 7

Sounds exactly like omegle ????

specialneeds 0

Dear OP, Welcome to Florida! FYL! After you've adjusted to knowing that we all have guns on us at all times, annnnnnd dodging the elderly as they drive into buildings at random becomes second nature, the whole genitals-first-names-later greeting will start to make sense. Simply put, we have to prorate our death rate. Skipping introductions saves us a *lot* of time. Soon, you'll be enjoying just another day in paradise!