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By Anonymous - 06/02/2011 19:38 - United States

Today, I found out that my mom screams like a dying monkey while having sex. Even with my music turned up all the way, I can still hear her through our paper thin walls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 096
You deserved it 3 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you try to rescue her with your super soaker?

this just means you gotta do the same and scream next time so she realizes you can hear everything


TrollsHaveSouls 0

How many monkeys did you kill to find this out?! Douche.

pimplayer 0
funnyFMLSplz 0

tell her to stop having sex? or use ear plugs

krazy_glu3 0

hah if someone told me to stop having sex cause I was too loud I'd say screw them!! I'm not quiting my sex to make someone happy. just leave the house!!!!! talk a walk or something?

I killed a monkey once, i feel your pain. hate those little bastards

im starting to hate monkeys, they keep stealing my perks :(

funnyFMLSplz 0

Did you try to rescue her with your super soaker?

my2centsworth 15

I was going to ask nearly the same question. Seeing your comment made me laugh.

derpherp 0

Bwahahaha ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Tragically, the OP was too late - I had already soaked his mom by the time he arrived. :D

newnew8 0

dortje- haha nice dahklohd -hahaha thats funny

jammyjam1234 0

how do you now what a dieing mockey sounds like?

ramboman19 8
MrsLender_fml 3

I don't think anyone knows what a "dieing mockey" sounds like.

newnew8 0

haha mrslender - that made me laugh. jammyjam1234 clearly can't spell :p

Even though the spelling is wrong , it's pretty simple to figure ou what he means . but nice sarcasm :)

this just means you gotta do the same and scream next time so she realizes you can hear everything

considering it's a guy that would be fairly odd

WallyTheWombat 0

Then he needs to start watching some **** and crank up the volume. Don't do anything though incase she decides to walk in, but after a while, shut it off and go outside your room and sigh a sigh of satisfaction. Then go and touch a bunch of things in the fridge.

So, you've heard a monkey die? Do your parents own a zoo or do you guys live in the jungle?

TrollsHaveSouls 0

did u join in with them and 69?

ilovesexywomen 0

well atleast you know she doesn't worry about bikini waxes!!