
By fartbucket51995129565 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - New York

Today, after having asked me out on Monday, the guy I like angrily cancelled our date because I "hadn't bothered" even talking to him for "several days". One day. You didn't hear from me on Monday. It's now Tuesday. That's one day, dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 590
You deserved it 6 944

Top comments

So don't bother talking to him ever again!


I've been there... sorry to hear you had to experience such annoyance...

Nicholle0205 11

#OverlyAttachedDouchebag. XD

You seem angry...did you like him a lot?

Sounds like a psycho to me! This is probably for the best lol.

Damn, OP, should have posted the psycho's phone number in your username. Some of us might like to make sure he never feels lonely ever again...

Confused if he asked you out on Monday and you didn't reply than how is there even a date to cancel? Shouldn't it be confirmed first? Maybe punctuality is his pet peeve and you didn't make his offer feel special blowing it off even for just a day.

Bluebl4ze 16

He must be really into you if he is getting so hurt over such a small thing