RIP little guy

By Anonymous - 10/12/2014 19:58 - United States - Murfreesboro

Today, my pet bunny died. My little sister is distraught and practically suicidal, because apparently she playfully pointed a wand at it a few days ago and said, "Avada kedavra!" She's absolutely convinced that she killed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 746
You deserved it 3 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better start packing her bags for Hogwarts.

jimmer23 21

^^ You remind me very much of someone who watched a couple movies and never read the books. Damn muggles.


My dog killed my rabbit on Mother's Day :/

middlenamefrank 8

The wand-pointing incident is probably not what's really bothering her. Death is a tough thing for kids to deal with, especially the first time. Life lessons aren't always easy.

Karan0217 6

Plot twist: that really killed him.

Just tell her avada kedavra is instant so there's no way she could have killed it

JudgeComrade 17

is being suicidal the new teen fad?

TallMist 32

Because being so depressed and have so many bad things going on in your life that it feels like suicide is the only option is so funny. (This is sarcasm, by the way)

LOL, you should wave a wand at her and say that and see what she does.

salvatore100 9

Omg I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing omg I'm dying of laughter over here... ahahahaha I mean it's sad that the bunny died but Harry potter is my favorite... like I'm sorry but lmao

When using Ava Kadava, someone would die instantly but the bunny died several days later so the sister thinking that she caused the bunny to die doesn't make sense.