By fish killer - 25/03/2011 21:52 - United States
Same thing different taste
By PoachedFish - 29/12/2009 10:57 - Lebanon
By That idiot - 28/08/2014 02:33 - United States - Las Vegas
By deadfish - 03/10/2009 16:28 - United States
My regret
By regret - 30/12/2019 01:00 - Australia - Warrnambool
By SydIsPrettyCool - 04/08/2011 05:44 - United States
By fishy situation - 13/06/2017 04:00
By Anonymous - 19/07/2014 23:39 - United States - Erie
By Anonymous - 02/12/2011 06:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/08/2011 22:59 - United States
By killer - 16/05/2009 12:21 - Latvia
Top comments
I killed six goldfish when I was younger. I think I fed them too much.
Hey guess what everyone, goldfish can't live in bowls!
@24 Sure they can, for limited amounts of time.
I bet your sister killed the fish..just saying.
alright @71 a goldfish lifespan is definitly not 6 months where the hell u get that from?
94 that goes so well with your pic. :D
the oldest goldfish life span that was ever recorded was 20 something years. it's name was Fred. look it up.
I just looked it up. Actually the oldest goldfish lived to be 43. It was even recorded in the guiness book of world records. It's name was Tish.
i won a fish at the fair too ! except it only lived a day because it were those 68 cent fish or whatever
I over fed my fish too, safe to say I didn't take it to well :'(
me too
Actually yes, you can teach goldfish tricks and their lifespan is about 20 years.
Ain't that bad. My dads had numerous fish and 3 birds. I think the luckiest one survived for 2 months
bow chicka wow wow
unce unce
Everyone who owned a goldfish would be a goldfish killer then because those things live for the shortest amount of time
fish sucks
I get the feeling that you put that as your account pic for just such an occasion...
Haha, do you bury them in the back yard? Or in the "Semetary" cause ask Stephen King, that's not gonna work.
I put quotes around it because thats how the children in the book spelled it and hence why it was deliberately misspelled in the title. Literary reference, not typo.
So technically I was wrong. Too many e's not enough a's. I was too lazy to cross from my bed to my bookshelf...
stephen king is one of my favorite authors! has anyone seen the movie?
who is stephen king?
who is stephen king?
Miss* At least give her a proper orientation greeting :/
The op did! Taking shit out of context FTW! #7 will make a great politician!
Yes, but "...known causes" is still in the post, just cutting out a part of the word...
'Tis true! I read it wrong, my bad. And you're damn right! I'd rather spend an eternity burning than with you, Kay. Glad you could finally get that through your thick head... the one on you neck.
MY ASS IS NO TOY! It'll cost ya...
The Disposable Dickspash, new from BastardCorp! Only 19.95! But wait, order now and we'll DOUBLE your order! That's TWO Disposable Dicksplashes for the price of one! Just pay separate shipping and handling. Call now! Operators are standing by!
No. That sweet girl is more likely the second coming of Christ than she is Satan! How dare you!!!
Doc Bastard: I'm very curious as to what that is a picture of... Will you please tell me?
Nelson Lleva
Blame the cat.

I killed six goldfish when I was younger. I think I fed them too much.
alright @71 a goldfish lifespan is definitly not 6 months where the hell u get that from?