Romance is corny

By ipopnlok - 29/06/2009 06:31 - Australia

Today, I planned a romantic dinner with rose petals, the whole lot, for my ex-girlfriend to win her back. When I took her to my house, I told her to guess what I had planned, to which she replied, "I hope it's not a stupid romantic dinner with rose petals and shit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 023
You deserved it 15 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

''romantic dinner? hell no, we're going to Wendy's''


Julietiloveyou 0

Well maybe he really liked his ex. What like none of you have ever dated the same person twice! Although I really think it's about opinon. Some people like cheesy some don't. She does sound like a biiitch thought. She could been more thoughful!

i'm sorry. :( but maybe it's better that you two aren't together anyway.

annamg 0

What a bitch. Most women would love a man to be that thoughtful.

melzilla 0

either this is fake or she is really not right for you

Bullshet 0

What a bitch. Why are you trying to win someone like that back?

missmarley93 1

omg aww that sucks, fyl. you can do better, she doesn't deserve a nice guy like youu!

shnibz101 0

And you were like "Well it is, so to bad Betch"!

Forget that bitch. That's a red flag right there. Find someone who will enjoy whatever you do for them.