Rubbing it in

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got an invitation to my ex-boyfriend's wedding. We broke up because he "didn't believe in marriage." FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 876
You deserved it 4 871

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What he probably meant was that he didn't believe in marriage, with you.

You know, I would normally just say FYL and leave it at that, but seeing as though he broke up with you because he "didn't believe in marriage" and then had the balls to invite you to his wedding, I say go, get drunk as shit and ruin the reception. That'll teach him to pull a dick move like that. I would be horrified if that happened at my wedding, buuuut the only exes that my boyfriend and I are friends with are super amazing and wouldn't do that anyway. However, if you two are actually friends, nix that last one and just don't go.

How long ago did you guys go out? If it was a couple years ago, maybe his thoughts changed.

sounds like he just didnt believe in marriage w/ you... that really sux tho...

Aww, thats saad. and you know what? **** him, yeah.

kwbuzz23wk 0

i hope you go and hear them say "after 3 years of dating" and then you realize you broke up just 2 years ago. now that would be an FML

I'm amazed at how immature some of you people are. How DARE he change his mind! How DARE he move on from a failing relationship to find someone he wants to spend his life with! How DARE he find happiness! The nerve! He must be a total douche for wanting his ex to share in the happiest day of his life! Honestly here. If you're so hurt about it, don't go. Crashing the wedding not on makes you look like a clingy selfish bitch, by it wastes all their time and money spent planning the day to mark the beginning of their lives together. The only statement you'll make by ruining their wedding day is "You broke up with me and I'm miserable! You're not allowed to be happy!" Yeah, sure he chose the wrong words to break up with you. That was a bit of a dick move. But if he had enough time to move on and find the love of his life, so did you. And since you feel your life is ****** just because he's getting married first, then you haven't bothered to move on with your life at all. In which case I don't blame him for breaking up with you in the first place. YDI.

jojomo85 0

what an asshole! don't worry the average marriage only last 3 years. hahaha

That really sucks, he's a dick. However, if that is the reason he broke up with you, I have a feeling that there is another side to this story that we aren't hearing. If you expected him to propose while you were dating, then you deserve this.