Run for the hills!

By kringr - 06/06/2011 00:52 - United States

Today, I went to my high school reunion. I was super excited to see what everyone had done in their lives. The nerdy guy I bullied is now a U.S. Marine and already has two deployments in Afghanistan under his belt. He looked at me in his dress blues and said, "I remember you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 252
You deserved it 135 189

Same thing different taste


that's what you get for being a bully! sorry dude, KARMA'S A BITCH

have fun meeting the US government's fist

skyeyez9 24

The nerdy kids in high school: the quirky, studious, emotionally mature, intelligent, are the same qualities that future (high paying) business look for to hire. Ironically, those same traits make them outcasts and targest of bullies in school. Be nice to nerds, you will be working for one once you are out in the real world.

sammmy_girl192 0
i_love_my_man 0

Lool, honestly could pull off the ultimate nerd revenge. YDI

i_love_my_man 0