Safe space

By Anonymous - 13/03/2010 01:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got into a huge fight with her mom over the phone. After the fight, she looked ready to cry so I went over to comfort her. She went straight past me, and started confiding in her creepy, extremely expensive dolls instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 881
You deserved it 3 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Are they porcelain dolls? 'Cause those are scary as hell. They probably ARE alive. =O Or she fears them to the point she tells them everything before they get mad.. You won't like them when they're mad..

ohrlynow 9

Oh my God. Those Porcelain Dolls?! They scare the shit out of me. I got a few of them as gifts when I was younger and I broke them on purpose just to be rid of them. I could NEVER sleep with my closet open when they were up there, staring...


your prob to young to have a girlfriend... this doesn't seem older then 11. ;D

Odd Fact--Google it and check me out. 72% of multiple-murderers say they hear voices telling them to do it. A large % of the female ones say they heard the voices from dolls. Male ones just hear them in their head for some reason.

skyeyez9 24

my father in law inherited a few antique porcelin dolls dating back from the 1800's. They are creepy looking.

That's one of the few episodes I've seen of Supernatural and it scared the hell out of me. it also reminded me of an anime called Witch Hunter Robin where the girl used to talk to her dolls and they would kill anyone who made the girl feel bad.

Monikabug 9

@12 Snick is not a troll. Why don't you look up the meaning of the word trolling before you go around using it. ._.

ahahahahahhahaha this made me laugh so hard for something on the Internet!!! ahahahhahahhahahahahha lol lol lol agahah

Someone has ball-jointed dolls, I see! :D

gtdoll 0

yep. my aunt got me a porcelain doll, and I was afraid to touch it. one day it fell and everything but the head shattered. the head stayed intact.