Safe space

By Anonymous - 13/03/2010 01:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got into a huge fight with her mom over the phone. After the fight, she looked ready to cry so I went over to comfort her. She went straight past me, and started confiding in her creepy, extremely expensive dolls instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 881
You deserved it 3 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Are they porcelain dolls? 'Cause those are scary as hell. They probably ARE alive. =O Or she fears them to the point she tells them everything before they get mad.. You won't like them when they're mad..

ohrlynow 9

Oh my God. Those Porcelain Dolls?! They scare the shit out of me. I got a few of them as gifts when I was younger and I broke them on purpose just to be rid of them. I could NEVER sleep with my closet open when they were up there, staring...


Admit it, comforting her wasn't really what you were after, was it?

Judging from recent posts, there was a good possibility he was going to comfort her the wrong way then she would be the one posting the FML.

I've seen this movie dude you don't make it lol jk maybe she has a sentimental attachment to them or she's a few tacos short of a combination/ her light bulb is a little dim/ she's straight up crazy

They banned your account because you said she has red hair? Wow, we have stupiddoodles running amount this site annoying the crap out of 90% of us and you get banned? I thought this site was about having fun, but apparently I was wrong. Getting corrected about spelling and the way a sentence was composed by the commenter is not fun at all. In fact it's quite annoying having a snot nosed know it all comment on grammar. If anyone needs to get banned it's her

Get out of the country, don't tell anyone your going just do it, and makesure the dolls don't hear about it. Get plastic surgery, change your name, your occupation, everything, and buy dogs, lots of dogs, they wont help but when they start dying you know to start running again. Its your only chance go!

buttshapedfruit 0
Fminetoo 0

Take all the dolls, and crush them, then, take the porcelin and make a toliet, then take a shit in the toliet, then give shit filled toliet as gift to soon-to-be ex girlfriend! Thats what i would do. : P

perdix 29

Were they the male versions of the Real Doll? Like astro_plastic said a couple of days ago, don't Google it. If you don't heed her sage advice, one of the side effects is that you are doomed to make comments like I just did! Don't look.

perdix 29

ioveruselol, let's see if you can learn from that. Do you know what "felching" is? I learned what it meant almost 30 years ago and it still haunts me. Let's see if you can refrain from finding out and lead a better life.

foxxxy_ 0

OMFG I know what felching means unfortunately I found out from one of my 'now so called friends' recently. FML for knowing and being a very visual person when I hear about something :(

dude if I were you, I would break up with her, maybe she's like a witch, or something like that, be careful