Safe space

By Anonymous - 13/03/2010 01:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got into a huge fight with her mom over the phone. After the fight, she looked ready to cry so I went over to comfort her. She went straight past me, and started confiding in her creepy, extremely expensive dolls instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 881
You deserved it 3 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Are they porcelain dolls? 'Cause those are scary as hell. They probably ARE alive. =O Or she fears them to the point she tells them everything before they get mad.. You won't like them when they're mad..

ohrlynow 9

Oh my God. Those Porcelain Dolls?! They scare the shit out of me. I got a few of them as gifts when I was younger and I broke them on purpose just to be rid of them. I could NEVER sleep with my closet open when they were up there, staring...


The fact that you find this being a problem makes you the insane one, so she was upset and went for comfort to something that makes her happy i assume her dolls make her happy wtf is with you people and your horrible comments, you dont even know this girl, your saying to dump her because she has a hobby that makes her happy?! you all sound like a bunch of douche bags that have no lives other then bringing other people down for having something that makes them happy and brings her joy in her life he never once said they were porcelain dolls not once, there is alot of great dolls out there that adult woman and men collect and there is nothing wrong with that i think you all are a bunch of close minded losers and i hope that dolls haunt your dreams tonight :)

he said creepy dolls not just dolls. and when someone would honestly go from their comforting boyfriend whom they love to their creepy dolls is obviously ****** up somewhere in the head. so shut it.

Spoken like a true butthurt doll lady. Going for solace in some pieces of plastic/porcelain instead of a living breathing human being? What the **** man.

of course she's missing a few cookies from the cookie jar who would go TALK to dolls instead of another human?? people who get there own true story horror movie that's who

trree 0

Ashton Kutcher is that you?

alex13013_fml 0

Who cares? go play some COD

fearless1117 0

Wow...crazy gf?? does her name happen to b casey???

OP: hmm a girl that won't speak to her mom, and won't bother you to get her feelings handled. well if she cooks and cleans and loves sex, i'd say you're got it pretty good.

sugarcoated 1

They are Asian Ball Jointed Dolls/Super Dollfie dolls, right? I'm guessing, but I'm probably right because I'm in the hobby, and there are some really batshit insane people in it who generally belive their dolls have souls. I just think they're pretty to look at, but I never understood the whole 'scared of dolls' thing. I don't understand how a miniature plastic toy can cause a threat or invade your privacy. But OP, if this is something she does often, gtfo of that relationship. There is a point where it goes from coping mechanism to crazy.

piandod 0

haha, my girlfriend will occasionally do the same things with her guinea pigs, and I don't mind, i think it's cute. however, if she does it with freaking INANIMATE OBJECTS, then that's a bit...too much.