Seduction technique

By BlueBirdWings - 06/03/2012 07:20 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I were cuddling on the couch. He held a Kool Fruit in his teeth, and motioned for me to kiss him, so he could put it in my mouth. Just as he was about to do this, I inhaled. He then had to watch me dry retching, trying to get it back up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 783
You deserved it 6 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...Why were you approaching a kiss with your mouth open? Are you a lamprey?


MargieDrury 1

He was just getting you ready.

...and I think it's safe to say she failed that test miserably.

If that's what you're going to do over a piece of candy, OP, then I don't think your boyfriend's going to be very satisfied in bed...

It's like a reflex when you get that close your boyfriend you just starting Inhaling

Cuddling and kissing with sweets? Tell that bitch ass to man up and get down to businesss. Shit son!

minorcrisis 8

Haha definitely FYL. However, I'm sure your boyfriend and you are close enough (since you passing candy back in forth in your mouth) for him not to be grossed out or anything. And one day you guys will laugh about it :)

Why would he be grossed out by her choking?

#3 Tell me oh wise one, how is it done?

Well now that you've blown the practice round, I doubt you're ready for bedroom activities.

He should have done the Hindlick maneuver. Licking your asshole would have startled you enough to cough it right up. That Heimlich is overrated.

cradle6 13

Anyone who renews their CPR/First Aid will be trained in this new technique, as it has now become the mainstream method to combat choking! Also, they renamed the Heimleich maneuver (essentially due to royalty disputes) anyway.