Seduction technique

By BlueBirdWings - 06/03/2012 07:20 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I were cuddling on the couch. He held a Kool Fruit in his teeth, and motioned for me to kiss him, so he could put it in my mouth. Just as he was about to do this, I inhaled. He then had to watch me dry retching, trying to get it back up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 783
You deserved it 6 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...Why were you approaching a kiss with your mouth open? Are you a lamprey?


perdix 29

After that disturbing display, he's going to have an even harder time getting it back up.

ShadowedHuman 5

Am I the only one wondering what a Kool Fruit is?

From what I can infer, it's either a cigarette or an aphrodisiac.

Well you're obviously bad at inferences. Cool fruits are fruit candies, kind of obvious.

Well excuse me for thinking of the Kool brand of cigarettes.

I'm going to guess it's like a fruit snack.

osf777 2

Does anyone else think this is gross?

Why is the image of a girl choking on a sweet gross?

24 - Well first, you get a string of balloons....

Looks like the next time the two of you give it a try, you should learn the proper way to do it through a scene from IRIS. Youtube "IRIS candy kiss" and you will know what I mean.

I read this and asked myself, is there anything that won't turn me on?

Begging: awwww... Middle: Awwwww.... End: OMG SOMEONE HELP YOU!!!!

Begging does not come before the middle.

kkiang33 0

ydi for thinking thats cute to do.