By Anonymous - 31/01/2010 17:07 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
Waxing lyrical
By Anonymous - 09/02/2023 04:00
Party girl
By Abby - 11/11/2009 00:10 - United States
By ididntevendrinkthatnight - 07/06/2013 05:14 - United States - Brooklyn
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States
Nice try
By Anonymous - 23/01/2022 21:00 - Philippines
By Anonymous - 23/07/2019 23:07 - Canada - Stoney Creek
By loquacious shit stain - 07/02/2013 17:11 - Australia
By angela - 09/04/2020 23:00
Rock on!
By Anonymous - 16/06/2024 22:00 - United States
Turn around, Bright Eyes
By Alma - 01/10/2024 20:00 - Japan - Osaka
Top comments
Owch. That's painful.
I don't know the song. I m not American. nothing wrong with that
hey man I was the one who threw the beer. at you u deserved it no one liked u at that party any way ur not invited to the next one by the way
ive had this fml app for a day now. I've seen #13 comment on every one I've opened. it must be nice to be a publess 13 year old ******* loser with absolutly nothing to do. btw, sweet picture man. you are so cool!! wish I had a picture with my shirt off. good thing u don't show your face, then everyone would b posting fyl. I hope this day never ends, I'm going to stive to b #1 on every post!! ******!
Shystai, no gay **** here please.
Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world She took the midnight train goin' anywhere Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit He took the midnight train goin' anywhere A singer in a smokey room A smell of wine and cheap perfume For a smile they can share the night It goes on and on and on and on (Chorus) Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard Their shadows searching in the night Streetlights people, living just to find emotion Hiding, somewhere in the night.
haha ya that's it. having a pic with my shirt off is the coolist! just like being first to comment. omg soooo cool to b first. don't b mad imreallytired, ur just upset I made fun of the only thing u have fun to do in ur life. try drinking a beer, make a friend (fml friends don't count).
It's actually a great opportunity; knowing that alcohol never freezes, look to see if there was ice forming on the rest of your clothes, and also potentially your skin. If it did, then it means that those beers were watered down, and that you were all drinking shit.
He's English..duh.
hahahahhahahahahaha I read that one!!!
#89 dude I read that fml hahahha!!
how could u not know the lyrics u ass u r not a true american
Don't stop belevin' Hold on to that dream yeah-yeah Streetlights. Peopllllllle... :D
second •¥•
wow ur a dick I hope you get eaten by a bear or something you ****
He deserves it because he doesn't listen to Journey, who happen to be a reletively mediocre band.
REALLY where is #1
You definitely deserve it. I almost want to call it fake, but then i remember some people are mentally handicapped and you could be one of them. It's the only explanation for you willingly admitting such a thing.
I've never heard of it, and I ****** LOOOVE the USA! AMERICA FTW, BITCHES!
Why the hell is EVERYONE singing/playing Don't Stop Believing all of a sudden? I don't know where it's come from. I hadn't heard it in years, then suddenly it's on this Glee thing, and the radio's playing it non stop (I'm in Britain), and everyone's singing it. WTF? Also, everyone on here who says YDI and isn't joking is a ******* psychopath! It's a SONG. IMO it's a good song, but it's starting to annoy the hell out of me because it's everywhere. And whether or not you think it's a good song, that doesn't give you any right to do what they did to the OP. That's just ******* insane. OP, find some new friends, cos these guys are total idiots. That's not some funny prank, or a laugh, that's ****** up. And get the hell over this song! Seriously! It's just a song...
Um, actually, alcohol does freeze when it gets cold enough, and all beer is low enough by percentage to freeze in an average freezer. I've accidentally made beersicles while chilling beer when I've been impatient.
FYL for never seeing the Barclay Card advert.
hmmm, the guy is British! so yes, he does not need to be pro-american....besides, it is a corny and crappy ftl of the other guys...go to M&S, buy a new shirt, and straight-on to the pub mate, where you can sing Waltzing Matilda or something...
@33: this song did exist before glee, y'know.
Everyone knows Don't Stop Believin'! You can't be a functioning member of society without it! D:
journeys a shitty song n so is ipwnnoobz. fyl Op
#41, y wuld op want to hang with losers who listen to crappy music? u guys r assholes anyway, giving him so much crap just for not knowing the lyrics to a crappy song.
You are right ALCOHOL doesn't freeze. To bad beer is only like 5% and the rest is... guess what... water. Which means beer will freeze. and if you freeze a beer you pretty much ruin it because it causes it to separate. @OP: you were prolly better off freezing your ass off outside and shirtless than at a party where you'd be thrown out for not knowing the lyrics to Journey.
Who doesn't know that song??? I'll tell ya who.... The damn Communists!!!
Aw! Sorry dude, that sucks but...I'm 15 and I know that song by heart because its on Glee...U should watch Glee.
I don't understand how the OP could NOT know the lyrics. I thought everyone knew them, like the song or not.
Ya, OP deffinatly desevred that for living under a rock
i agree cuz yoo haz bewbies :D
I've never even heard of the song... Although I never listen to the radio, watch little TV and the only music I listen to seems to be obscure European heavy metal.
I was under the impression people were born knowing the lyrics.
**** I love that song he deserves it and 4 is smokin
hey, gimme that sammich!
I find it sad you need glee to learn the lyrics.
...OH **** YOU.
Glee is garbage and their cover of that song is disgraceful.
First the fact that OP doesn't know this song.. Is a disgrace. Second, the fact that you only know it because of glee maybe worse. That show is terrible.
thats actually pretty ******* awesome.
It's really not all that bad
Who cares if someone knows the lyrics of the song or not. Gees, it's not the end of the world!
Maybe they just liked his shirt
but its the fact that practically everyone knows that song. everyone has heard it at least once in their life (although most likely more) and if you haven't you must live under a rock (please excuse the horrible cliche) or be deaf. and basically everyone knows at least the first verse, cause thats what gets played/heard the most. i hate that song because its ridiculously overplayed, but i still know all the lyrics and if it comes on at a party or something i sing along cause its just what you do haha
#10 wins.
it's epic fail not epic lose!
I don't know the lyrics. Just like Bob Chen who fishes for a living from his straw boat in Southern China doesn't either.
Who doesn't know the lyrics to that song? Also; take it as a compliment if somebody stole your shirt. Maybe they thought you had a nice body. Thought it seems pretty pathetic that somebody would be able to "steal" your own shirt from you if you were wearing it (unless for whatever reason you weren't at the time). Maybe you should go find the prostitute from that journey song to keep warm!
Ha, its all your fault for not knowing the lyrics. I'm sorry, thats just not right
YDI completely. Deport him to Canada or maybe some hole in the ground.
We don't want dumb Americans in Canada.
Just a small town girl Livin' in a lonely wooorld She took the midnight train going anywhere...
Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit He to took the midnight train going anywhere....
Oh the movie never ends it goes on and on and on and ooonn
#59, u win. :D
so you are at a party, how exactly did they figure out that you didn't know the lyrics? did they demand that you recite it with them? kinda bullshit at a party to do that. I'm not a music buff but I know a few verses.

HOW IS THIS A YDI?!?!??! He got locked outside shirtless and wet in hypothermic conditions for not knowing the lyrics to the song????? You guys are ******* sociopaths!!
so you are at a party, how exactly did they figure out that you didn't know the lyrics? did they demand that you recite it with them? kinda bullshit at a party to do that. I'm not a music buff but I know a few verses.