Self-confidence booster

By uglyyyyy - 28/10/2009 20:19 - United States

Today, I was working my job at Sephora when I overheard two women talking. One of them asked her friend, "Is being pretty a requirement to work here?" Her friend turned to see me, turned back to her friend and said, "I guess not." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 013
You deserved it 3 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.. It isn't... girls at Sephora look normal and accessible, girls at MAC look incredible and intimidating.

Yea, maybe if your stuck up and your head if full of air, that would be much better. **** those bitches


Ouch, you can't even tell if girls at make up stores are pretty, they wear so much of their products

tayrex77 3

I once saw a tranny (maybe it was a drag queen...) working at Sephora. No, you don't need to be stunning, but I prefer Sephora to M.A.C. They have much more diversity in their products. M.A.C.s paint pots are wonderful, though...