Self harm

By Embarrassed - 06/12/2018 03:00

Today, I managed to give myself a blowjob and it was great. The only problem is that I got stuck between the wall and my bed while I was doing it. I had to call for help and my whole family came to see what was wrong. They all knew what I was doing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 394
You deserved it 6 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well look on the bright side. At least they didn't find you with your head up your ass..

Reach for the stars , not your own ankles.


Wait a minute, this is actually possible?

PenguinPal3017 19

Now that's what I call a sticky situation!

how did this pass moderation??? it clearly isn't true. You can't give yourself a ******** can you?

A lot people think it is possible, according to that thread up top. Me, I'll just take their word for it, not gonna look for the evidence online because I'm all out of brain bleach today.

PenguinPal3017 19

Some people can. Usually just the tip though. Look up videos online if you don't believe it.

TxKitten79 10

Some people can, and the proof is out there if you're curious enough.

I would hope they didn’t take pictures or video you because they can use that as an blackmail against you.

ctraltdelmyself 4

I can only imagine that giving yourself a ******* feels a lot more like giving a *******, not so much like receiving a *******.

You’ve never masturbated? It’s not as good as someone else doing it but I’d imagine sucking yourself off would feel just as good as jacking off if not better.

ctraltdelmyself 4

Masturbation or not, you're still shoving a dick in your mouth.

I don't know whether to be impressed or appalled. Congrats on being able to suck your own dick - a lot of guys would pay money to be able to do that - but seriously, wouldn't it be easier to just get a blow up doll with a built-in vibrating/suction feature?