Self report

By SmoothTalker - 16/03/2009 17:40 - United States

Today, I had a meeting with my super-hot TA. When I got to her office, she complimented me for being early, to which I thoughtfully replied, "Oh, I usually come early." She laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 328
You deserved it 33 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vonstrangle 0

"Today someone had a sense of humor and I didn't. FML"


blackberry_fml 0

Come = ejaculate "I usually "ejaculate" early" Its a slang word used instead of "ejaculating" For you kids that don't know "coming" early is not a good thing in the sexual world. It makes someone think you won't last long in bed. Don't know what ejaculating means? Although I do give you kids praise for not being up on the sex words. That's good! Wait till you're ready! Or married! :)

after she laughed, shoulda said "heyy, don't quote me on that"

How is this a fml, who moderates this???

blackberry_fml 0

haha I agree with #94, would've been perfect

This definitely is an FML, it's not like he was making a joke, and successfully made her laugh, it was that he accidentally said something, and she was laughing at him. Not in a cute, flirty way. I imagine her actually laughing directly at him.

Pfft, no biggie. I doubt she was laughing AT you, just an observation. I do stuff like that all the time; just gotta laugh it off.

Hurt16 0

I woulda been like u wanna find out?? ^__^

ohgeez99 0

phahaha i apologize but thats hilarious :)))

WOAH SHIT. This is so undeserving of an FML, it's funny.