Self serving
By PartTimePrincess - 10/09/2013 14:56 - United States
By PartTimePrincess - 10/09/2013 14:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/12/2016 02:10
By secret - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Ashford
By Anonymous - 28/03/2009 20:19 - United States
By Zebra - 30/12/2020 22:58
By novacabudsforme - 15/08/2016 10:11 - Hong Kong - Central District
By a-scared - 06/08/2009 22:18 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/05/2022 04:00
By not my fault you got knocked up - 09/08/2020 20:02
By Akestarr - 02/12/2013 13:28 - United States - Georgetown
By Anonymous - 10/05/2009 18:37 - United States
Some people are just assholes
If she was trying to have you overcome your fear that's not the way to start...
*insert Dr. Evil meme here* "Forgot"
Exposing oneself to the stimulus that causes fear is one way to overcome a phobia. Assuming the plane doesn't crash, you don't hit the propeller when you jump out, the parachute harness doesn't slip off of you, the parachute deploys properly, you remember to deploy it before you hit the ground, and you don't land in a power line, you might actually overcome your fear of heights.
A first time parachute jump is done with someone else in tandem. So most of your points are extremely unlikely. And unless you're on a power line with a metal mast (in which case you would need the power off to get off the line), you are actually pretty safe to touch a power line as there is no current flowing between the lines that would pass through you. Hence why birds can sit on power lines. Eitherway, i say OP should just go for it.
Apparently not everyone understands sarcasm.
A person is much larger than a bird and is more likely to touch more than one wire. When in direct contact with a live wire if they contact most anything else, metal or not, at 15KV+ it is going to be unhealthy. If only the chute gets tangled in the wire then the chute cords will probably insulate unless they are wet. There still is the problem of how to get down, depending on the height. IOW, getting tangled in a power line is not a desirable skydiving outcome.
#16.. My first time skydiving was actually by myself. I just had to take an aff class...
Buy some tickets to something she hates for her birthday (ie a music group) and then tell her you forgot and keep them for yourself.
No shit.
That probably won't end well for OP.
I'd keep them, just out of pure SPITE! Even if you don't want to 'face the fear', give them to a friend, ANYONE for that matter, so long as SHE doesn't get to use them. Because hey, they're YOUR birthday present after all.....
u should keep them so she can't have them
For her birthday you should buy yourself tickets to Disneyland.
Say you're going to conquer your fear of heights, take tickets, sell tickets, acquire birthday money.