Show off

By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, I had a test in orchestra class, which I'd practiced over 30 hours for. After I played my part, which I thought I did very well, my teacher asked how long I'd practiced. Trying to show off, I said, "Oh, just 30 minutes." My teacher said, "It shows; that was terrible." She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 947
You deserved it 59 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i guess pracriced is the new word for terrible practice

If you told your teacher how long you really practiced, it may have impressed her that you worked so hard. But, no, you didn't.


Even if you had played the part well (according to the orchestra teacher, at least), your teacher wouldn't of been impressed with your lack of dedication either way.

As someone else said, you neverrr try to impress an orchestra teacher/ judge/ whatever. There is always going to be someone better than you and even when you think you're amazing, you're probably not. Happened to me a couple weeks ago. But that was a stupid move telling her you only practiced for thirty minutes. If you said that you had practiced thirty hours, she'd probably be happier with your dedication. #1, it's called a typo. But I guess you've never made a mistake in your life.

exthalion 0
i_like_chicks 0
i_like_chicks 0

oh and who gives a flying **** about a typo ?!

You practiced 30 hours...for a playing test. I'm sorry, but that's on the list of Things You Do Not Do In Orchestra. If you practice for more time than is really necessary (seriously, 30 hours for one piece for a playing test?), you will reach a point where your progress gets remarkably worse instead of better. You did yourself in, OP. Your teacher/director would've said it was horrible no matter how much you said you practiced, because it probably WAS horrible at that point.

uhhuh_her 0

And that's what you get for trying to be a show off... Are you a trumpet player?

VooDooXII 0

Orchestra...where your best just isn't good enough.

There's a point to which if you practice to much you either grow to complacent, and you obtain to much confidence and screw up. Or you practiced so long, that any mistakes you had during your practice were highlighted that much more because you were so used to it. If you go into a stressful situation, with some confidence, along with uncertainty there is a chance you will do somewhat well, as people tend to improve their performance in stressful situations.. Oh well, you'll do better next time.

teachers dont want you to do things well in 30 minutes... they WANT you to practice a lot. you should never say you barely practiced that's just stupid. you definitely deserve it.