Show off

By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, I had a test in orchestra class, which I'd practiced over 30 hours for. After I played my part, which I thought I did very well, my teacher asked how long I'd practiced. Trying to show off, I said, "Oh, just 30 minutes." My teacher said, "It shows; that was terrible." She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 947
You deserved it 59 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i guess pracriced is the new word for terrible practice

If you told your teacher how long you really practiced, it may have impressed her that you worked so hard. But, no, you didn't.


Oh come on 48, you gotta learn to lighten up All band/orchestra/music professions need to learn to laugh at themselves Signed, A Piccolo/ Flute player (so yes, i know all about being laughed at for the instrument you play) and NO, i dont want to know how to get two piccolo players in tune with each other :)

valleyflower15 0

yeah you think you get laughed at for the instruments you play #51? I play oboe bassoon alto sax piano and English horn. those three double reed instruments everyone laughs at me for playing. and I practice like 40 minutes a month if anything and I'm 1st chair oboe so it's not hard to not practice and be good.

30 hours isn't a whole lot if you really wanted to be good, unless you're naturally talented.

TRUMPET PLAYERS SUCK. Be a man. Play the bass.

EffinWhosLife 0

All the FML's about people trying to show off or impress someone always get an ass load of YDI's.

KrystleLynn 0

ok well next time you should own up to your own hard work. I'm sure an orchestra teacher would love to hear that you have the will and determination to practice for 30 hours.

abcd123efg 0

I have played in orchestras for 10 years. There is no way you practiced for 30 HOURS and played as if you'd practiced 30 minutes. Get a new instrument or stop lying.

swim703 0

i hate orchestra playing tests i get so nervous. but sometimes when you practice that much, you make yourself nervous that you will mess up and put more pressure on yourself. however i find it hard to believe that you practiced for one playing test for 30hrs...thats just ridiculous

geesquared 0

When I played (elementary-middle school era) I never practiced, haha. 30 hours? Really, I can only see an eleven year old practicing and still do shit.

You did not practice 30 hours. You probably practiced for 45 minutes thought it felt like 30 hours because you never practice to begin with. Cramming doesn't really work with music and this is why you sounded like butt on your test.