Show off

By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, I had a test in orchestra class, which I'd practiced over 30 hours for. After I played my part, which I thought I did very well, my teacher asked how long I'd practiced. Trying to show off, I said, "Oh, just 30 minutes." My teacher said, "It shows; that was terrible." She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 947
You deserved it 59 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i guess pracriced is the new word for terrible practice

If you told your teacher how long you really practiced, it may have impressed her that you worked so hard. But, no, you didn't.


Dragon_XTC 0

How much time did you have before you took the test? I play piano and i had to practice over 30 hours each week for like 3 months and repeatedly do theory tests also to be perfect for my test. definitely practice more

why would you lie about that, dumbass? at least be honest so that they can give you help and advice. It's not like you were going to be perfect so you cheated yourself out of advice/improvement. no ones going to want to give you constructive criticism on something you "didnt practice" for. seriously. dumb.

30 minutes is nothing, why wonder you suck.

Ox_Baker 0

I take it this was your first audition, right? Unless it's a professional orchestra, conductors care more about how much effort you're putting in than about how talented you are.

hsmiles 0

Teachers are NEVER impressed by a lack of effort. Even if you're good, they'll think you're an arrogant prick and should be working harder to improve.

The only solution is **** the brains out of your teacher until she screams like the true ***** she is!!!

You kinda deserve it... But i must say I hate orchestra tests. I'm a 9th grader in my high school orchestra and I play the oboe. It's soo annoying when our conductor tests us. And so nerve racking!

NonchalantSavant 0

Next time they ask how long you practiced, answer "Including right now?" At least you'll get a laugh out of them.

helios_rex 0

Yeah, FYL but not because of your orchestra blunder... but because of your spelling!

USNA_Midshipman 0

YDI if you practiced for over 30 hours without critiquing yourself. Source: Played the oboe for 8 years, piano for 12.