Smash the Patriarchy

By Alfie4 - 05/03/2012 22:30 - United Kingdom

Today, my son asked me for advice over his girlfriend not "respecting" his pathetic need for near-constant sex. I got so bored listening to the misogynistic horseshit spewing out of his mouth that I totally zoned out. I came to as he started hurling abuse at me for not siding with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 094
You deserved it 10 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I sense a castration for your son in the near future.

MerrikBarbarian 9

Time to train that child! Be a parent and teach them to respect women... It any romantic partner regardless of gender for that matter


Well, what are you bitching for? You raised the idiot

Give him a copy of playboy, a sock and a lock for his room door.

phantumgrey 6

Just because your wife won't give it up anymore doesn't mean you should ignore your son

Today, I learned that any time you hear a man say the word "misogynist" you know he never, ever, ever gets laid

tklone329 0

Oooh that Kid shud get an ass whoppin:D

YDI for raising a misogynistic son. Take responsibility for your kid and do something about it instead of just tuning him out and letting him become an asshole. If you don't, you're a bigger waste of time than he is.

How about you act like a parent and put the little prick in his place instead of "zoning out"

After reading this post, I could almost confirm this post was from te UK. Guess what? I WAS RIGHT!

isis_morrigan 18

You are still the parent, right??? Then set his little ass straight, I don't care how old he is! It's your own fault for letting him talk to you like that in the first place, so don't whine when he is "verbally abusing" you.