
By yosmurf - 13/08/2018 23:31

Today, I finished taking a huge dump at the public restroom at the mall. When I got up to wipe, my wrist clipped my butt and knocked my brand new Apple Watch into the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 125
You deserved it 1 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does. This happen? Watches are designed to stay on your wrist. Did you get a shitty third-party band? Was your band not fastened properly? Is your butt made of spikes?

you stand up to wipe? I dont know everything that goes on in a bathroom, but I'll give this a try


tounces7 27

Apple product, that's where it belongs anyway.

you deserve it for getting an apple watch in the first place...

WARNING: Please always remember too, remove. All forms of wrist watches before wiping your ass.